Self care can really make you feel refreshed and change your vibes. I have always practiced self care ideas whenever I feel the need to rejuvenate myself.
In this post I am sharing the top self care ideas which you can easily do and implement in your routine to pamper or take care of your self.

It’s not important that you follow all of these ideas, you can pick those that you feel connected or drawn to. Every one has a different self care routine and we should try to find those ideas that make us feel relaxed and refreshed.
Plan your ideal self care day using these self care ideas that I have shared.
Taking care of yourself does not have to feel huge or high maintenance. You should never feel guilty to practice self care.
It’s one of the most natural and important things that you can do for yourself, so never shy from it. And don’t feel like you are wasting time and should rather do something more “productive”.
Their can be nothing more productive than taking care of yourself, relaxing and setting yourself to perform your best in the coming days or week. And, self care routine is the way to do this.
It can increase your productivity 10 folds.
I have experienced this myself.
You won’t have to put much effort to practice these self care activities. You’ll just require a dairy or journal for some of them. (Even a paper would do the work!)
I like to use a self care planner and journal for this. You can use any journal for this. And here’s the self care planner that I use and absolutely love:
68 Self Care Routine Ideas For You:
1. Clean Your Room: cleaning can make your energy levels go high and it can also help you in feeling more organized and thus, more relaxed.
2. Brain dump: write all the thoughts that you have been holding in your mind (no matter what they are). This will clear your energy and mind to bring in positive and new energy.
3. Practice digital detox and avoid using social media for few hours or days
4. Light candles and do deep breathing
5. Walk on green grass and let go of any negativity in and around you.
6. Water the plants and sing to them (this has proven to help grow your plants quickly!)
7. Write 5 places you want to travel in the coming years
8. Do some stretches to relax your body
9. Massage your feet with essential oil
10. Take a nap
11. Do 15- minute guided meditation (use free youtube videos)
12.Wear your favorite outfit and click some pictures
13. Do a pedicure to relax your feet
14. Write list of goals for the week as if you have already accomplished them (Trust me, this works really well for manifestation)
15. Play your favorite music and dance
16. Listen to relaxing music
17. Watch a trending show on Netflix
18. Go to a museum, or park and connect with the surroundings
19. Learn to make a new dish
20. Spend some quite time in nature or your garden
21. Go for a long walk and observe nature

22. Have a relaxing bath with Epsom salts, and light candles
23. Offer food or clothes to someone in need
24. Offer money to someone in need
25. Write a list of 5 things you are thankful for
26. Make a list of clothes and accessories you want to buy
27. Make list of your favorite dishes and meals and make them/order the entire week
28. Mediate and stay silent to cleanse your energy
29. Wake up early and observe the birds, sunrise and feel the calm wind
30. Research something that you have always wanted to but never had the time to look into
31. Write a list of all the places you loved to visit as a child
32. Practice self care sunday by visiting your favorite restaurants and places
33. Read a book
34. Watch the sunset
35. Play with your kids or pet
36. Go to bed when you wish to and sleep in late without feeling guilty
37. Paint your nails and do some nail art
38. Plan an amazing vacation, just to have fun
39. Go for long drives without a destination in mind and listen to your favorite music
40. Sing, dance and rejoice this life you have!
41. Try a new hobby
42. Learn something new: it could be a skill or a new hobby
43. Learn a new language
44. Read about the history of a country or city you like
45. Talk and play with the kids at the park
46. Call an old friend you have been missing lately
47. Talk to an old person and listen to their life experience (This one will make you feel so grateful for everything you have and learn some life lessons too)
48. Spend time with a friend or family member
49. Write your favorite childhood memories
50. Eat something you have been wanting to lately
51. Make a smoothie for yourself: check out these 10 delicious smoothie recipes that offer health benefits.

52. Listen to favorite podcast
53. Watch an old movie you loved as a kid or teen
54. Plan a night out with your friends / spouse
55. Doodle, and draw anything that you want
56. Paint with watercolors (even if you don’t know how. I love looking at the beautiful colors mix. It’s a visual treat, trust me)
57. Do some makeup and wear your favorite dress just because you feel like it
58. Watch videos of cute animals and nature
59. Go out and click pictures of anything that catches your attention
60. Write affirmations to bring abundance, money and peace in your life

61. Set self care time or hour every week as this can make you feel ready for the coming week and increase your productivity.
62. You can also plan a self care week, where your main focus is to care for yourself and everything else is secondary.
63. Such self care sundays or hours can be extremely productive because you release all the negative energies that are holding you and take care of yourself.
64. This helps in cleansing your mind and vibes and helps you get ready to perform better in the next days and weeks.
65. Watch the moon and soak in the positive energy
66. Visualize your ideal life/ day
67. Write 5 things you love about yourself
68. Put on a hair mask or facemask for pampering your hair/skin
Suggested For you: 6 Face packs for glowing skin
Plan your self care routine and use these ideas for practicing personal care. I hope you enjoyed this self care routine checklist and I would encourage you to try it this week and share your experience. I would love to know!
Make sure to pin these self care routine ideas to pinterest and share them on facebook.
Also connect with me on instagram, I would love to have you!