12 Week Money Saving Challenge Printable To Save $1000 Fast

  • Post category:MONEY

Saving money could be overwhelming especially if you do not know how to get it done. But having a money saving challenge printable can get you started.

Some people look a pro at saving money and we just can’t understand how they get it done.

That’s why in this money saving challenge, you’ll get an easy way to save money whether you are good at saving it or not.

Even if you’re living paycheck to paycheck, you can still follow this easy savings challenge even if it feels difficult.

I would recommend that you have a separate savings account for this challenge so that it becomes easy to save money without stressing. You should opt for automatic transfer to your savings account or do it yourself when month starts or when you get your salary.

You should also try to limit your spending on eating out, partying and going on movies with friends to save money faster.

It could feel you are missing out on fun stuff, but having some stability and peace in terms of finance is always a better option to have than partying and going broke.

By the end of 12 weeks, you would have saved $1000 easily. This money could not be life changing but it can still be a huge amount to have in your emergency fund or for funding the trip that you wanted.

Money saving challenge to save $1000, 12 week saving challenge save $1000

If you follow this money challenge, let me know how it went, I would love to know!

Use this money saving challenge printable and start saving $1000 in 12 weeks.

Please share it on facebook and pinterest to help others save money using this simple saving challenge.

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