8 Hacks On How to Stick to Your Weight Loss Goals

  • Post category:WEIGHT LOSS

Majority of people set New Year’s resolution for losing weight. But most of them forget about it in the first week or month itself.

Most people struggle on how to stick to your weight loss goals so in this post we are sharing them.

how to stick to your weight loss goals

It is difficult to keep the resolutions and stick to them for most of us.

But there are some habits and hacks, which can help you in sticking to your new year resolutions for weight loss. You can follow these habits and get results more easily.  

So if you are interested in knowing how you can stick with your New Year resolutions, then keep on reading.

8 Tips To Stick To Your Weight Loss Goals & Resolutions

Follow these tips here that will answer your doubts on how to stick to your weight loss goals.

1. They Keep it Real

The people, who lose weight and stick to their goals, make sure to keep it real. They set resolutions, which are realistic and achievable. They aim high but know that sticking to smaller goals is much easier than shooting for unattainable goals.

For example, if you want to lose weight as your new year’s resolution, then keep it real.

Instead of aiming to lose 10 kilos in 1 month, make more attainable goals and break them down. Losing 2 pounds in 10 days is possible and easier than looking at the big goal of dropping kilos in just few months.

Read More: 7 Habits of People Who Never Gain Weight

2. They Have Proper Plan

People who achieve their new year resolutions are those who have a proper and exact plan. Their plans are not vague without proper guidelines. Setting instructions for yourself is the key here.

When you break your goal, make sure to create a plan with the exact steps that you will take. If you wish to lose weight in the first month, plan on improving your diet and starting with exercises that can bring you faster results.

Go ahead, and decide which foods you’ll avoid and also create a weekly meal plan to keep everything organized.

Planning in mind is not enough; your mind needs to see it on paper or digital planner to understand what the next steps are which needs to be taken to achieve the big goal or resolution that you have set for this year.

3. They Have Deadlines For Goals

A goal without a specific date or time is useless because you will keep chasing it without actually achieving it.

People who stick to their resolutions make sure to provide a deadline or achieving time to their goals. Make deadlines that cover shorter amounts of time like losing this much weight in 3 weeks or 2 months etc.

Do not just say that you will lose weight throughout the year. Set deadlines or milestones that you wish to hit with your weight loss progress.

4. They Improve Their Environment

When trying to lose weight, you must try to change your environment. For example, you should remove all junk foods from your home when trying to lose weight as this would stop you from getting tempted to eat them.

Changing your environment during weight loss journey does not have to be difficult, you just need to remove things that will not add value to your weight loss progress.

5. They Track Progress

Sticking to your new year’s resolution is easier when you can see how well you are doing it. Keep a journal or tracker to record your progress.

Whether it’s as simple as avoiding cookies throughout the week or doing a workout that you have never done before. Keep track of all such things even if they seem little to you.

When you’ll be feeling uninspired, you can look at these milestones that you have achieved and then you can stay on track to achieve your weight loss goals.

I love tracking every detail about my health and fitness journey as it keeps me motivated towards my goals even when I feel like not continuing.

Trust me; this single thing can be a game changer for you if you are struggling to lose weight.

 Here are few things you can track: minutes of walking everyday/week, how many days, you did a workout or go to gym, weight every month and the meals or calories you consumed.

6. They Have Encouragement/ Accountability Partner

Staying focused on resolutions is easier when you have someone who is going to keep you accountable.

You can pair up with a family member or friend who wishes to lose weight too. This way you can be more dedicated to workout and eat clean.

You can even have a group of friends who motivate each other and check whether all of them are sticking to their resolutions or not.

7. They Reward Themselves

Using rewards is a great way to be focused and dedicated. If you stick to your goal, then always reward yourself with a good thing.

For example, if you stick to eating clean for a whole month, reward yourself with a new purse or makeup item at the end of month.

Don’t give rewards like “cheat meals” as these will only pull you back and decrease your progress.

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8. They Have Faith In Themselves

People who are good at sticking and keeping their goals have lots of faith and confidence in their ability. Tell yourself by looking in the mirror that you trust yourself, you can do this.

If you have set your mind on this goal of losing weight, you can make it happen.

It’s okay if you missed workout for 2 days or a week, or even months, get up and do it today. It’s fine if you haven’t achieved goals yet, you can start working on it from now.

Have faith in your weight loss progress and you will make it through.

Takeaway: how to stick to your weight loss goals?

Sticking to the weight loss goals in easier when you know how you can stay accountable and stop yourself from distraction. Follow these steps and implement one or two at a time to not get overwhelmed.

Following these steps is a great way that will help you in knowing how to stick to your weight loss goals and resolutions.

how to stick to your weight loss goals

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6 Weight Loss Teas That Burn Body Fat

9 Ways to Lose Weight Even If You’re Feeling Lazy

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